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Kit, Position Retainer Clamp and Post Collar
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Angle Bracket, 90 degree, PMC1.0
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Position Retaining Post Collar, 0.5 inch Optical Posts
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Post Collar, Adjustable Height, 0.5 in. Optical Posts
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Post Collar, Adjustable Height, 0.5 in. Optical Posts, Qty 5
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Position Maintaining Kit

The PMC-AC-KT optical post position maintaing kit includes a PMC1.0 post holder collar and an AC0.5 adjustable optical post collar.  The PMC1.0 clamps on the outside of a VPH series post holder and includes a pin to prevent an optical post from rotating when engaged with the AC0.5.  The AC0.5 clamps to a 0.5 inch optical post and included a fine height adjustment screw referenced to the top of the PMC1.0.  The kit allows the optical post to be removed and replaced while maintaining the same height and rotation angle.

Side Attach An Optical Mount

The PMC1.0 can be used to side attach an optical mount to a 1 inch diameter optical post, pedestal, or VPH post holder.  Side mounting is useful when your set-up does not allow a post holder or pedestal directly below your optical mount.

PMC Angle Bracket Provides Alternate Mounting Surfaces

The PMC-AB mounts to the side of the PMC1.0 allowing for multiple mounting surface options to the side of a 1 inch optical post, pedestal, or VPH post holder.